class S

美 [klæs es]英 [klɑːs es]
  • s类;【医】类转变:B细胞或浆细胞由产生IgM转变成产生IgG,IgA,或IgE的过程。见gene项下的immuroglobulin genes
class Sclass S
  1. But , we mainly discuss the argument estimates of the class S _ (λ,μ)( m ; h ) on the basic of the inclusion relations .


  2. Abstract In this parer , our main result is given several coefficient inequality and deviation theorem of function class S H and S 0 H.


  3. Research on Influential Factors of Specific Teaching Environment of the Tennis Major Class s Students ; Investigation and Analysis of Food Nutrition for Tennis Training in Zhanjiang Normal College


  4. A local asymptotic formula for the ruin probability in the classical risk model with the distribution of the claim amount F which belongs to the class S (γ), γ > 0 , is obtained by using the geometric sum method .


  5. The solvability criteria for the two-sided residue interpolation problems for functions in the class S ~ (( s )) _l with symmetry and centro-symmetry are obtained . A linear fractional transformation of the set of all solutions to the question is presented .


  6. A sufficient condition for the existence of idempotent functors in abstract homotopy categories is given . That is : for abstract homotopy categories C , and some class S of morphisms , if ( 1 ) there exists a category of left fractions with respect to S ;


  7. The middle class ′ s capital structure and their developing trend are analyzed based on the theory of social change .


  8. Merchant Class ′ s Character of Later Medieval and Transition of Western Europe Society


  9. You can see how a keyword got added in the class â™ s documentation .


  10. For this example , you want to add a new tag to the class â™ s documentation .


  11. On the Set of Indices of Convergence for the Class of s - Cycle Boolean Matrices


  12. Grey Analysis of Technical Factors Leading to Success in Chinese First Class Men s Basketball League for Recent 5 Years ; The Study of CBA Development Route


  13. Finding Out the State of Mind Accurately , Adroitly Guiding Action According to Circumstances ── A bit of a class teacher s work ; static scope check


  14. Firstly , cryptographic properties of a class of S boxes are studied which are compositions of power functions with invertible affine transformations . An algorithm is given to calculate the algebra expressions of this class of S boxes .


  15. Clinical Study in Skeletal Class ⅱ Malocclusion s


  16. The conflict class method may generate s serializable schedule for the execution of pending transactions , because the conflict transactions completely serializable .


  17. This dissertation is to take the data from 1995 to 2003 of Hebei province as an example , carrying on the study to structure and its result that the province class government public finance S & T expend .
